Opening hours

The childcare centre is opened from 7.30 to 18.30 o’clock on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We are closed on Friday.
The childcare centre is closed during national holidays.

What does childcare cost?

The cost of childcare depends on your personal situation. Our hourly rate is € 9,42 (price level July 2023). This hourly rate is converted into a fixed amount per month, so the same amount will be paid every month. We are open 52 weeks per year. The monthly amount is determined by multiplying the number of days per week by 52 (weeks per year) and dividing this outcome by 12 (months).

Days/ weekPrice/monthHours/month
1€ 449,0547,67
2€ 898,1095,33
3€ 1347,15143,00
4€ 1796,20190,67

You can apply for a contribution towards the costs of childcare (childcare benefit) at The amount of this government contribution depends on the income of you and your partner together. You can apply for childcare benefit retroactively, but only within three months of the month that your child goes to childcare. If you wait longer, you will no longer receive a supplement.

You can apply for a separate allowance for each child at

Daily structure

In Childcare Centre Het Kroontje we apply a clear daily structure for the children in order for us to be able to offer them clarity and structure.

07:30 – 09:00Come in – time for playing
09:30We drink water and eat a biscuit and fruit
10:00 – 11:30Time for playing and exploring
12:30Time to sleep
15:00We driunk water and eat a cracker and a vegetable snack
15:30Time to play and explore
16:30 – 18:30Pick-up / time for playing and exploring

Babies and, where appropriate, also toddlers have their own rhythm in terms of bottle-feeding and sleeping. The individual needs of the child and the possibilities within the care centre will be taken into consideration.

In between the regular programme there is enough room for own play and activities or oriented activities will be offered, such as crafts, reading, singing and games often involving the theme which is representative for that period. When the weather is good, the children will be going outside.

Time to adjust

A good start is important for both the child and the parent(s)/caregiver(s). It forms a safe foundation for the further stay at the childcare centre. For that reason, we attach a lot of value to a thorough period of adjustment. We therefore ask parent(s)/caregiver(s) to make some time available during the initial period to come and meet the group and the pedagogical employees together with the child for an hour or so. The child will be allowed to explore the new situation from the safe presence of the parent(s)/caregiver(s).  

Two new adjustment appointments will then be scheduled during which parent(s)/caregiver(s) is/are no longer present after the transference and let their child adjust. The first adjustment day lasts a morning; the second adjustment day takes until approx. 15.00 o’clock. Experience shows that this adjustment period runs smoothly for most children, but depending on the age and the character of the child, the duration of the adjustment period can be altered.

Parent Committee

Childcare Centre Het Kroontje has an enthusiastic parent committee. The parent committee looks after the common interests of parents and children towards the management board and managers of the childcare centre. The committee advises them about matters related to the childcare. The parent committee is also closely involved in organising festivities and the parent-teacher meetings. 

For more information about the parent committee, you can contact them through You will also receive more information about the parent committee (including the Parent Committee Regulations and the House Rules of the Parent Committee) during the first adjustment meeting. The information can obviously also be requested prior to the first adjustment meeting and is available for inspection at the office.

Important documents

The findings of the inspection visits by the GGD are contained in an inspection report. You can view the most recent inspection report here. The reports are also available for inspection at our location and you can read them on the site of the municipality Haarlemmermeer and on the site of the LRK (National Register Childcare). You can find us on this website under LRK-number: 120641343.

In addition to the inspection report, we would like to inform you about the general terms and conditions, our house rules and our privacy statement.

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